About MCKI BookKeeping
Partnering in Numbers!
Dear Fellow Business Owner,
We appreciate you taking the time to learn more about how a partnership with MCKI Bookkeeping can help you achieve financial clarity and accuracy over your business finances.

Michael Lee
We are inspired to help you re-prioritize your time and resources to focus more on building your business and still have the benefits of a customized accounting framework and streamlined accounting workflow. We familiarize ourselves with you, your business, and your business goals. We utilize technology to save time, lessen paperwork, and give you 24/7 access to the most updated financial information at your fingertips.
With MCKI Bookkeeping, outsourcing does not mean losing control. We aim to assume the burden of categorizing all your transactions, ensuring balanced books, and timely and accurate financial reporting. On-demand reporting ensures you have clear accurate status of your business at any time. We keep all your accounting on check so you can focus on building your business.